Aug 8, 2009

Circle Shape Stamps - Icelandic Leaf Bread Christmas Iceland

Yet another beautiful round shape stamps in my collection. These two circle shape stamps are released by Iceland Post by the title "Christmas Stamps - Icelandic Leaf Bread".

It was customary in the olden days at most Icelandic farms to ration food more generously during Christmas than at other times. Bread was usually made for the domestics and the farm hands. The round bread sheets were generally made as thin as possible for reasons of economy. It was said that the batter was thin enough when you could read the Bible through it. Various beautiful and diverse patterns were cut in the batter to make the bread as festive as possible. The patterns were usually traditionally styled while creativity also played its part. Many feel that this custom is an indispensable part of the Christmas celebrations. Family and friends often gather together in the beginning of the advent to pattern the bread sheets and fry them. Smoked meat is by many considered most delicious when accompanied by leaf bread.

Day of issue : 08-11-2007
Printing process : Offset - sjálflímandi
Number in Sheet : 10
Printer : Cartor
Size : 36 x 36 mm
Designer : Hlynur Ólafsson / Hugrún Ívarsdóttir
Value : 60, 80 ISK

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